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Sell Farm's Cubed Steak Parmesan

One pound Sell Farm Cube Steak. Fix a frying pan using olive oil and heat. Coat Steak with Egg Beaters – we use this because it is low fat and low calorie. Coat again with a mix of a heaping cup of Progresso Italian Bread Crumbs to which you added in a good portion of grated Kraft Parmesan cheese plus a generous pinch (or more) of garlic powder, basil and oregano. In a fixed pan place olive oil and gently fry the steaks until medium to well done – note some of the bread crumbs will fall off in the turning process or stick to the pan — just scrape them off (as long as not burnt) and use as a topping. Salt and pepper to taste at the table. Bon Appetite!

Source: Developed at the Farm (Entered by Bill Farr)
Servings: Serves the hungry
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Sell Farm's Heavenly Herb Cubed Steak

Sell Farm’s Heavenly Herbed Cubed Steak

(amount of ingredients is for 1 lb of meat, adjust accordingly)

Place 4 Tbsp of virgin olive oil in a skillet, add 1/4 tsp of crumbled sage, 1/4 tsp of cracked rosemary, mix together. Place one pound of defrosted Sell Farm cube steak in the skillet and turn the meat over so both sides are coated with the mix. Cover and let stand for 30-45 minutes.

Cook over medium-high heat until the meat is medium rare, turn frequently. Remove the meat and place on a warm plate.

Add 1-2 Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil and 2-3 Tbsp of butter in a pan over low-medium heat and allow butter to melt. Add crushed garlic (2-3 cloves, we like much more), desired amount of crushed red pepper and the juice from 1/2 of lemon, stir over heat until it begins to simmer; then spoon over the meat.

Salt and pepper to taste at the table.

Serve hot with Couscous and a green salad.

This works equally well with chicken breasts. Elsa slices the skinless breast so that they are thin. Pounds them with a meat mallet and then prepares as above. Yummy.

Source: The Sell Farm's website -- (Entered by Bill Farr)
Servings: Serves 20 tiny shriveled up old men who pick at their food, or 4 normalized healthy men
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